get rid of SPIDER VEINS
When it comes to treatment of spider veins, there are two options to choose from at IVSI
- Sclerotherapy Injections
- Laser Treatment
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Sclerotherapy injections are highly popular among patients because they can be used to treat all sizes of spider veins, and also reticular veins. Treatment involves the injection of FDA approved sclerosant directly into surface spider veins. Injections are done with very tiny needles and feel like mosquito bites. Often, in order to eliminate extensive branches of spider veins, injections have to be done to “feeder veins” that are found deeper in the skin.
Post treatment hematomas are common and can be easily aspirated to speed up healing process. Small ulcer formation in site of injection d/t sclerosant contact with skin, might occur. Pigmentation, if it occurs, might last for several months.
The number of treatment sessions needed to achieve satisfactory results and number of injections done during a session will vary from patient to patient. Patients with few spider veins might be satisfied with couple session. Patients with numerous spider veins clusters might need several session to achieve satisfactory results. Each patient has different expectations, therefore we are not able to predict exact number of number for touch up sessions needed to meet esthetically pleasing results.
Vascular laser are used widely for treatment of redness reduction, telangiectasia and rosacea on the face.
When it comes to treatment of spider veins on legs, laser treatments tend to get tricky.
- Not all patients are good candidates,
- Larger spider veins will require several treatments session.
- Laser treatments are more expensive than sclerotherapy.
Lasers are great option of treatment for delicate spider vein on face. If you want to get rid of spider veins on legs sclerotherapy is more effective, creates significantly less collateral damage to your skin than laser destruction.
Visible spider veins on your legs are not necessary only a cosmetic issue. Depending on location, color diameter and shape they can be a result of venous insufficiency.
- Bluish telangiectasias in a fan-shape pattern, blanching under pressure, are sign of troubled vein below the skin
- Spider veins in inner ankle areas are called Corona Phlebectatica and represent Stage 4 of venous insufficiency disease ( see CEAP ladder)
- Clusters of reddish spider vein above knee, inner thigh areas are most likely related to refluxing axial veins like GSV or AAGSV
If you have throbbing pains, dull aches in your leg, swelling of ankles, family history of varicose veins, or spider veins on your inner ankle areas, your spider veins are a result of venous insufficiency.
Treatment of spider veins in presence of refluxing veins might result in short term results ( 3-6 months or less) and/or, appearance of new clusters of telangiectasis, telangiectatic matting requiring additional treatments, permanent hyperpigmentation, other complications
In order to avoid frustration and assure lasting results, possibility of underlying venous insufficiency has to be excluded. Complete or limited Duplex exam is a standard of care for all patients seeking treatment to spider veins
Call our facility today to schedule your appointment
Call: (847) 518-9999
Disclaimer: Every patient is a unique, and cosmetic results can vary between patients. No two sclerotherapy or laser treatments will get same results – even if performed by the same physician on patients with similar conditions